Here are the steps to Rank you article on google!

How to Rank Higher on Google (6 Easy Steps)

Here are the steps to Rank you article on google!
1.    Find keyword in Ahref whose Keyword Difficulty is Less than 10.
2.    If, you blog is new then try to find Low Compitition Keyword, whose Minumum Monthly searches are more than 100.
3.    Search that keyword in Google and analyse top 10 Ranked pages Domain Authority.
4.    If anyone in the Top 10 search results has Domain Score less than 20 or less than 10, then you can easily rank on that keyword on Google.
5.    Now, see some SEARCH RELATED KEYWORD which google shows us, in the end of the page, and analyse them also,
6.    Try to get Long Tail Keyword.
7.    Keep you Title Length Between 8 to 10.
8.    Use your TARGETED KEYWORD in Title Tag, H1, in first paragraph, H2, In second paragraph, in Image ALT TAG.
9.    Write your META- Description SEO OPTIMIZED, Keep your Meta- Description Character length under 135.
10. Keep your Perma-Link shorter and clean.
11. Don't forgot to use your Targeted Keyword in Perma-Link.
12. Use images from Pixabay.
13. Don't forgot to Fulfill User Intent, If you are Fullfilling The User-Intent in 500 words, Then there is no need to write a post more than 1000 words or more, Because People Don't like to read a Bulky Article.
14. Use images to show your Post Attractive.
15. Use Charts, and Infographics!
16. You can use CANVA to make High Quality Images.


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